Sunday, December 30, 2012

high lights of 2012

well here we are...
a couple days till 2012 is over
man it went by fast didnt it?
it was a good year
so here are the highlights
in chronological order...
a new nephew was born into our family
mr payson james meeks.

me and eric moved to laramie wyoming.
eric started his first semester at the university of wyoming.
i started working at the grease monkey.
me and eric had our FIRST valentines day together in two years.
we got engaged!

we went to washington dc for spring break.

i went through the temple for the first time.

i turned 22.
miss locklyn coleman was born!

i moved into our new apartment.
we got married!

we went on our honeymoon.

i went golfing for the first time.

we went to the cliften family reunion.
eric started his second semester of school.
hunting, hunting, hunting,
and end of summer parties.

we saw the denver raiders game.

eric shot his first moose.

eric turned 22.
we found out that we were going to get a new niece or nephew
so excited to meet easton/ eastyn.
we got our first christmas tree together.
eric hit his one year mark from being home from his mission.
we found out that we will get ANOTHER niece or nephew. 
we went on an erickson get away.
we were able to spend christmas with both families.
2012 was a GREAT year for me and eric.
our life together is crazy, fun, and exciting.
2013 can only get better.
we are sooo excited to see what our life has in store for us.
just a thought...
bring on 2013 we are ready!
i have a feeling it's only going to get better

where did the time go?

well holy cow
has it really been since september since i have blogged last?!?
seriously i have no idea where the time goes sometimes.
things are still going great here in little ol' laramie.
i guess we will do some highlights since last time we met...
me and eric crossed off another item off our bucket list
go to a denver raider game.

we had a great day with awesome seats
and it always helps will you pull of a win.
my dad, jason, trav, and toomer were also at the game
so it was so fun seeing them too.
then in october
eric FINALLY shot his moose
i have yet to try moose... im a little nervous about it to be honest
but I WILL try it i promise
we spent thanksgiving in the valley
(no pictures... sorry)
we had lots of company come and see us.
we love having people here
we went ice skating with the hysells

to football and basketball games with the colemans and the parents.
a graduation and dinner with the eric's family.
(no picts for either sorry)
we got our first christmas tree together
we went to salt lake city with my family for a weekend,
we went christmas shopping,
seen the temple lights,
and stayed at the little america.
(maybe too many pictures here... sorry lol)




we had christmas eve at the ericksons
and christmas at the gillieses
now we are back in laramie to say cheers to the new year.
we have had a great past couple of months.
just a thought....
i dont think it gets any better then spending time with your family. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

officially a gillies.

well it's official
i went to the dmv
and finally changed my name on my licence.
i know... i know it's about time.
i have to admit that's a little sad for me though.
ill be the first to admit that im not to close with the erickson side of the family
but i was always proud to have the last name erickson
because of my dad.
he really is one of the best guys around.
he is one of the greatest examples i know.
always there when i need him.
always willing to help others no matter what time of night.
we have a lot of great memories together.
denver games and our
awfully long walks and sooo many stairs.
hiking around thunderbolt singing songs.
buying my first jeep together.
roadtrips in the wrecker belting keith urban.
he's the best.

so after waiting around there for about 2 hours
we left with my temporary licence
that says
kylie E gillies.
glade erickson loved me first
and then eric gillies
so i only see it fitting to be
kylie erickson gillies
 cuz im never letting that erickson part of me go.
just a thought...
us girls are more then lucky to have his as a dad