Wednesday, May 22, 2013

and it's a......

this year was one of my best birthdays yet.
 we had our ultrasound appointment
to find out the sex of our little babes.
(at least they are pretty sure that it is)
the doctor was looking back through our pictures and wasn't as
positive as our technician was.
but he also acknowledged that she was watching her wiggle around
so if she felt confident then we should be ok.
so we are prepared that if when we are in the hospital and they announce
it's a boy we won't be too shocked.
the video is mainly for my mom
but you are welcome to view if you would like.
the day after our ultrasound I was sick for a good 2 weeks.
pink eye, strep, stuffy nose, no energy, cough, and just plain miserable
luckily I think im finally just about over it all.
 I loved when I was awake in the middle of the night and feeling miserable
she would just start to kick.
it was just nice knowing I wasn't alone.
me and my girl can conquer anything this world has to offer us.
I love her soo much already I can hardly stand it.

our name for our little girl is
Madyn Gillies
me and eric are still arguing over middle names and whether she will get one.
eric doesn't want one
I really like Madyn J
or Madyn May

just a thought....
if you have an opinion on middle names
PLEASE feel free to share...
especially if you're on my side ;)

birthday weekend :)

rylee, me and locklyn
are sooo lucky to have our birthdays all in a row.
rylee wanted to go to the zoo and olive garden for her birthday
so we all met in Utah to celebrate our birthdays.
here's some pictures from our weekend
jetty petting on of the lizards at the zoo.

this was one of the sweetest things I have ever seen.
:) I sure love that locky girl :)

 jetters with one of the monkeys

my handsome husband with my sweet maycie may

this warms my heart :)

bryan, megan, and boston were able to make it
and hang out with us a while too.
he's sure a sweetheart

later we stopped at the mall
did a little shopping
and jetty and abbers rode the carousal

it was such a great weekend.
one of the best that I have had in awhile.
just a thought...
in case it isn't very obvious
I sure love my family more then anything in this world.
they mean the world to me.


the week before easter
my mom, megan, abby, rylee, austyn, and payson
can down to Laramie for a visit.
having company is one of my most FAVORITE things ever.

please excuse the shirtless children...
we were having fun dying easter eggs

he's my sweet monkey man :)
at Washington park
my beautiful girls

we had such a great time with them.
we sure do miss them when they are gone though...
just a thought...
im soo grateful for my Savior
especially around easter time.
I love my Savior