another chill week at the gillies house!
i love hanging with my little girl all day! she is getting such
a fun personality and is so full of spunk and pizzazz!
wednesday we went on a little adventure and took some pictures.
i love how photogenic she is!
she tickles my heart strings!!
thursday... i woke up sicker then sick!
mads is such a sweet heart. she was so chill and relaxed and would just cuddle me.
have i mentioned how awesome my little girl is???
cuz she is!
friday little miss turned 11 months old!
11 Months of Madyn!
i love hanging with my little girl all day! she is getting such
a fun personality and is so full of spunk and pizzazz!
wednesday we went on a little adventure and took some pictures.
i love how photogenic she is!
she tickles my heart strings!!
thursday... i woke up sicker then sick!
mads is such a sweet heart. she was so chill and relaxed and would just cuddle me.
have i mentioned how awesome my little girl is???
cuz she is!
friday little miss turned 11 months old!
11 Months of Madyn!
she loves walking around the furniture and pulling herself up on everything.
she loves carrying toys around pretending like they are phones.
she likes to click her tongue with her dad.
she loves playing with my decorative jars and talking in them.
she loves carrying toys around pretending like they are phones.
she likes to click her tongue with her dad.
she loves playing with my decorative jars and talking in them.
she loves clapping, playing peek-a-boo and patty cake, and shaking her head no.
she LOVES facetiming, skyping and talking on the phone.
she loves grabbing laundry and trying to put them on her.
she has turned more cuddly. (which i can't complain)
she loves pulling my hair... and she loves having me run my fingers through her hair.
she likes to try and share her binkie.
and she likes to put her fingers in others mouths.
she has been better about eating food and being less picky... except she still
hates peaches! right now i would definitely say pastas and pizza are her favorite.
she dislikes shopping at walmart with mom... until we get to the checkout line... then
she turns to a little flirt with the cashier.
she like to be sung primary songs to.
she loves tearing up magazines and any paper she can get a hold of.
she has turned more cuddly. (which i can't complain)
she loves pulling my hair... and she loves having me run my fingers through her hair.
she likes to try and share her binkie.
and she likes to put her fingers in others mouths.
she has been better about eating food and being less picky... except she still
hates peaches! right now i would definitely say pastas and pizza are her favorite.
she dislikes shopping at walmart with mom... until we get to the checkout line... then
she turns to a little flirt with the cashier.
she like to be sung primary songs to.
she loves tearing up magazines and any paper she can get a hold of.
she is the best little girl. she just plays quietly in her crib and lets me sleep till my hearts desire.
seriously she is awesome!
she is also starting to sleep through the night! YAY!!!
saturday we took it pretty easy...
sleeping in... taking naps... no cooking....
for our outing of the day we took mads out for some more pictures.
i was getting pretty restless sitting around the house
and i am in LOVE with her new coat!
then we went out for ice cream:)
dont we live the life???!!!
saturday we took it pretty easy...
sleeping in... taking naps... no cooking....
for our outing of the day we took mads out for some more pictures.
i was getting pretty restless sitting around the house
and i am in LOVE with her new coat!
then we went out for ice cream:)
dont we live the life???!!!