Sunday was FATHER'S DAY!
me and megan made these little dorky DIY message/ play road t-shirts.
madyn seriously LOVED it.
we made him breakfast and then headed off to church.
it was a rough day with the little sunbeams.... but we managed.
after church we ate dinner then headed to the snowys for a little jeep ride.
we saw a bunch of deer but no moose or elk.
I love the snowys! they are seriously soooo gorgeous!
madyn started getting grumpy so we decided we needed to head home.
we had such a good day.
we are sooo lucky to have eric in our lives.
he is the BEST father for madyn.
she absolutely adores him!
Monday Madyn turned 21 Months!!!
21 Months of Madyn!
she has really started talking like crazy.
she has started using simple sentences and is growing her vocabulary daily.
she is getting another bottom tooth in!
she loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! especially the Hot Dog Dance.
she loves to play outside and blow bubbles.
she is a pro drinking out of a 'big girl cup'.
she loves her play jewelry.
she loves "crack-crack" (crackers), dry cereal and corn.
she is obsessed with shoes and sunglasses.
she loves to play with her cousins! especially the babies.
she loves to tickle!
she is a HUGE tease!
she loves to listen to Disney songs and tries to sing right along.
she loves to climb and be adventurous.
our girl is always on the go! she keeps us busy, busy, busy!
we sure love her lots!
we had a good day running errands and getting stuff done around the house.
that evening we went to the park with Mark, Brandy, and Easton.
Madyn was happy to have her little friend back.
that night was absolutely gorgeous!
I honestly love WYO SOOOOO much!
Tuesday Madyn was such a grumpy grump!
I noticed she is getting 2 new teeth instead of just the one....
so lets just hope the teeth are the only thing turning my little princess into a giant monster.
Wednesday we had a WONDERFUL morning.
Madyn woke up at 7 asking for PUPPIES! PUPPIES! PUPPIES!
(new obsession- 101 Dalmations)
so I turned it on, on the ipad. next thing I knew she was back to sleep.
so we slept in till 10!
it felt soooo good and refreshing.
at 11 we went to the outdoor pool at the rec center for our ward's playgroup.
us and one other mom was there from our ward.
we had invited Brandy and Easton and so they came and joined in on the fun.
we ended up staying till 1:30ish, when madyn came up to me and pronounced GO!
the weather was seriously soo perfect. It was clouded over so it wasn't super hot
and the pool water was nice and warm.
we enjoyed our little outing.
that afternoon we went out to work on my flower beds and pull weeds out of
the grass.
Madyn is such a little helper...
she really cracks me up!
that evening we met up with Mark and Easton over at the park.
those two are soo funny together!
I love watching their little friendship!
it makes my heart happy :)
Thursday madyn had her first "big girl pony tail"
she looked sooo grown up.
it kind of made my heart ache just a little.
but boy oh boy she really cracks me up!
I was trying to get a pict of her hair and she just hammed it right up for me!
Friday Madyn hammed it up again for me!
she kept crawling on our side tables and then wanted me to take her pictures.
she kept saying CHEESE! CHEESE! CHEESE!
she seriously keeps me soooo entertained.
we ended our night at the park again!
she loves chasing Easton around. and he loves when she chases him.
Saturday we got up and going and took off to rodger's canyon.
we shot only a couple of rounds when another car pulled off right next to us
and got out to shoot their pistols.
we were so annoyed that they had to park right next to us when
no one else was even in the canyon.
sooooo since that didn't last too long, we decided to headed over to Sybille canyon to
see the elk refuge.
we ended up seeing a herd outside of the refuge and then
three (what I would say were massive, and eric would say they were alright) size
bulls in the refuge.
we also saw a couple of moose, deer, and some antelope....
so a little of everything.
when we got home madyn got into my makeup...
oh man she keeps me busy!
we had mark, brandy, and Easton over for a little bbq.
seriously seeing madyn and Easton play tickles my heart!
they are sooo cute and fun together!!!