Friday, May 19, 2017

some madyn time.

sunday we had a great afternoon being together after church.
we all cooked dinner as a family and it was delicious i might add.
monday was a bit crazy.
i kind of feel overwhelmed by everything i need to get done before ty comes into this world
and i have errands and other things to do on top of that...
not to mention i hit a wall by late afternoon making it a little difficult to get everything
i need to done.
madyn has a field trip with her class over to the park today for a picnic 
and even though i felt like there was so much i needed to get done
i knew i needed to be there with her.
and i am so glad i went.
we had a great afternoon together.
it was some much needed one on one time with her.

thursday evening madyns preschool was giving out free tickets
to the harlem ambassadors basketball game.
it was pretty fun. and i think madyn really enjoyed herself.
they had all the kids come down and they played games and did some exercises.

i was actually pretty surprised that she went down and participated.
i think she actually had a lot of fun and she even got a free t-shirt.
friday we decided to head down to cheyenne so we could get
some last minute baby things and enjoy the day together.
we went and ate chinese and then over to the rec center to play mini golf.

now normally i hate mini golf... i seriously am not good at it at all.
but i was kicking some serious butt!
i got 2 hole in ones!
mads was pretty much over by the 7th hole. 
by then she just wanted to roll her ball and not use her putter.
and was complaining about how tired she was...
my little girl is a goober!
(that and i think she really just wanted to head to target lol)
after we finished we got in the car and eric says to her,
madyn we need to work on your coordination skills...
she replied, my coordination? or moms?
touche my little girl touche.
saturday one of eric's study buddies was having a bbq to celebrate graduation.
eric didnt walk for graduation since he technically isnt done with school.
he was getting lots of grief about not going, but by the sounds of it, it was a LONG ceremony...
so im pretty glad we missed it.
but we had a great time being at the bbq.
after the dinner we took mads over to the park
and just enjoyed the rest of the day as a family.
it's kind of bittersweet knowing it wont be much longer that our
family will go from a family of three to a family of four. 

.365 Project.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

party time!

sunday was MY BIRTHDAY!
i have very strong feelings that this year is going to be the best yet
since i am 27 and 27 is my very lucky number!
eric and madyn got me a fishing pole, camera bag and made me
a very delicious eclair cake. 
after church we went out for a nice ride over by Centennial
and to have lunch.
we saw some elk, a couple of coyotes, some very cute baby horses
and tons and tons of prairie dogs.

all in all in was a very good birthday :)
now as may has begun and my final 30 days left of being prego
i have become SUPER uncomfortable and have pretty much
given up on wearing regular clothes....
seriously gym shorts, yoga pants and sweat pants are my new best friend
and i dont even care.
poor eric, i think it's driving him crazy.
before we go somewhere he always asks if im going to change...
he very lovingly gets the death stare :)
eric officially finished up his capstone hours last week
so other then going in and doing a presentation
we have been able to enjoy him at home more.

and of course little miss is soaking up every minute.
the weather has been so nice lately that we are trying to get out every spare
moment we can.
thursday we had a doctors appointment, after we went out on a nice
little lunch date and then went and walked... and walked... and walked...
around washington park.
i had the BEST day just being with eric... but seriously all that walking kicked my bum.
friday madyn had a dentist appointment.
i was soooo proud of her and how brave she was.
she sat and just let the hygienist do what they needed to
you could tell by her body language she was a bit nervous but did so awesome.
and luckily we walked away with no cavities...
for whatever reason she is super paranoid about getting a cavity.
but hey i guess that's not a bad thing for a girl to be cautious about.
later that evening mom made it into town.
we went out to eat for my birthday meal and then went to the park 
to let mads play around. 
we also were able to get some more good walking in.
i just hope this makes for an easier delivery when the time comes.
we had a great evening talking and catching up.
we even were able to get online and get some fabric picked out 
for tys blanket.
i cannot wait! the colors aren't what i think you would normally put
together but i love how they look.
saturday my visiting teachers threw me a baby shower.
it was decorated soooo cute and it was SO nice.
not a lot of people showed but it was kind of a hard weekend...
and honestly it was just perfect.
the rest of the afternoon we got to hang out with mom before she took off.
we even went out and treated ourselves to a pedicure.
it was seriously so nice and really a perfect afternoon with my mom.
she left later that evening... little miss was soooo sad to see her go, as always.
we are pretty lucky to have her in our lives.

.365 Project.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

my girl is growing too fast :(

welp it started out as a pretty crazy week...
visiting teaching, getting some meals out to some families, 
and the usual errands to keep me on my toes...
not to mention by 3 o'clock i hit a massive brick wall of exhaustion.
luckily madyn let's me get some rest,
she will even join in too every once in awhile...
and i honestly cant complain.

ya know, except for when i cant move and i need some
tums ASAP!
but seriously i love these moments with my girly :)
sometimes i cant believe how fast she is growing up!

i mean this girl has been kicking my butt at Candy Land!
she's too young to do that!
i think she has inherited her dad's gene for competition.

also when did this happen?!?
i love that she knows how to write her name.
it kind of, really, melts my heart :)
so my funny story of the week was that we were winding down for
the evening and we get a knock at the door.
it was one of our new home teachers introducing himself
and all the sudden i hear little miss, bum naked, running out of the
bath, streaking to her room.
after we said our goodbyes to our guest we went to check on mads 
and see what see was up too.
and this is what we walked into...

this little stink is such a goober.
and what can i say? we absolutely adore her and think 
she is hilarious.
saturday was our big day with our youth.
we had our temple trip down at fort collins.
our ward raked in over 400 family names to do baptisms for.
it was a great day at the temple.
ya know i kind of live a great and blessed life :)

.365 Project.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017


madyn woke up on Easter morning pretty excited to see 
what the easter bunny had brought her!

mom and dad stayed with us for church and then we 
had a bbq after.
we were sad to see them go...
madyn always struggles when we have company and then they leave.
so we tried to cheer her up and we dyed easter eggs.

she had so much fun with all the colors and 
seeing how her eggs would turn out.
we had a pretty busy week running around.
it hit me out of no where that since my wallet was stolen 
i didnt have mine or eric's temple recommends anymore.
so since we had a youth temple trip coming up i needed to get mine again.
so we were busy trying to get those done.
also can i just say- pregnancy brain is at it's all time high right now.
seriously if i dont do something right as i think of it or write it down right away
then i cant remember for the life of me what i was or intended to do.
on top of that i am completely exhausted and i honestly think it is because my brain
is working on overdrive trying to keep up.
friday we woke up to snow!
and honestly i really dont mind the spring snow in laramie.
it comes and goes so quick and it makes everything super green.
i LOVE it!
but it was a pretty crazy day along with throwing snow on top of it all.
so starting off the day shoveling heavy snow probably wasnt the best....
my hips were killing me!
then we were busy at the church setting up for the ward party that 
we were in charge of that evening. 
it was crazy busy and i stupidly wore my uggs since it snowed earlier
so i had absolutely NO support and being on my feet for so long
i went home completely MISERABLE!
it was a long day and night-
and waking up saturday i was still completely miserable.
but we had the best saturday being together.
i love my family- they are seriously the absolute best.

.365 Project.