Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Jett's baptism

Sunday was a lazy day at home listening to general conference!
It was a great day.
The rest of the week was pretty low key.
A few errands and appointments around town.

Thursday Eric had the day off so he was able to do his first infusion on me.
It was so nice just to have him do it.
We could do it on our own timeline and be relaxed.
Friday after eric got off work we headed to Lyman.
it was a gorgeous drive home!

We got in town later in the evening and the Hysells came over to visit.
They stayed till after midnight so you can imagine how tired we all were
Getting up in the morning to head down to Heber!
We were up bright and early!
Dad rode down with us so we had a nice visit with him.
Jett’s baptism was wonderful.

He was so cute and happy.
We sure are proud of the little man that he is!
He’s such a good kid!

After his baptism we went back to the Coleman’s house and
Had a nice lunch with everyone.
By the time we got to the valley all of us were pretty pooped!
Madyn was out the whole ride home, went straight to bed
And out for the rest of the night!

We loved being home with all the family.
It was a pretty great weekend!

.365 Day Project.

Monday, November 13, 2017

ty's 4 months!

Sunday Madyn had her first primary program!
she did so good and we were so proud of her!
she was pretty hilarious to watch sit up on the stand.
the poor girl looked like she was in pure misery the whole time.
when it was all over she sure let us know how bored she was! lol.
after church we went out to take Tyson's and Cortney's engagement pictures.
I really wanted to go up to the snowys but the higher we got up there
the crazier the weather got!
it was snowing like crazy! 
so we didnt get to do much up in the mountains.
when we got back to Laramie we went over by the train tracks 
but it was still pretty chilly in town...
so we really didnt get too many pictures.

but they had brandy take some more the next weekend and 
she did awesome!
so they really didnt need my pictures anyways.

madyn new thing she likes to do is play with my glasses.

she's a pretty big goofball!
Monday our sweet little guy turned 4 months old!

so both him and madyn went in for their well children visits.
4 years for her and 4 months for him!
they both unfortunately had to get shots...
they did madyn first so she wouldn't be too freaked out when ty started to cry.
but she FLIPPED out!
she after they took her out to pick out a goodie from their treasure box
while we did ty's. 
I could just still hear her freaking out the whole time...
after ty got his they brought her back into the room and she sat on the chair.
I took a look at her and she was white as a ghost!
I asked is she ok.
and the nurse said yeah and I told her to look at madyn and
right then she just slumped in her chair and passed out.
it took her awhile to come out of it all.
so we ended up spending an extra 45 minutes more then we expected.
after we made sure me made a trip to sonic for a slurpee...
I think the poor girl deserved it!
we got home to see Tony and Carilyn making their way back through.
they were heading home from Denver where Tony had meetings all weekend.
for the rest of the evening madyn kept telling us how 
she just needed to take it easy from having her shots.
when I was talking to mom on the phone later that night my mom
made mention how she isn't dramatic at all!
madyn piped up IM NOT DRAMATIC!
nope, not even a little bit ;)
the rest of the week was pretty low key.
Eric was on call for the weekend so we spent it being lazy :)
never can complain about a lazy day at home with the family!

.365 Day Project.

and she's 4!

Sunday everyone took off to head back home. 
mom dad and abs went to sacrament meeting with us 
and then we all headed home... madyn wasn't feeling too good 
and it wasn't long after we got home that I got pretty sick to my stomach.
monday we were pretty stoked because we finally got our new(to us) car!
we got a 2013 GMC Acadia and we absolutely love it!
Tuesday was busy. we babysat and Eric had a new grad class that evening.
he had another grad class Wednesday too.
it was a pretty busy week at work for him.
ty right now is so funny...
if he ends up falling asleep before I put him in bed for his nap
this is how he ends up falling asleep.

I think it is absolutely hilarious.
and of course madyn loves being a little stinker to him!
he honestly puts up with so much!

Thursday Carilyn and Tony stopped in Laramie on their way to Denver.
Tony had meetings down there for the weekend
so we were able to go out to lunch with them and Tys and Cortney.
After lunch we all came over to the house and Madyn was able to open
her birthday presents.
she was pretty excited!
Friday our little miss turned 4 years old!
seriously how did that happen?!?
I love birthdays they bring back a whole lot of sweet memories.
we are so lucky that this sweet little girl decided to join our family.
she can sure give us hell but she brings us more joy then we 
could ever possibly imagine!
she had a fun morning opening presents and playing with her new toys.

we mainly got her legos. 
and a few little toys.
so she was pretty busy all day playing.
that evening we had Tyson and Cortney over for dinner, cake and ice-cream.
madyn really wanted a Trolls cake this year 
but Safeway didn't make trolls cakes so we had to settle for cinderella.
either way she still loved it :)

all in all I would say she had a pretty fun birthday and was 
spoiled absolutely rotten!
but we love her either way!

.365 Project.