Friday, December 22, 2017

in the valley!

we had a great time being in Lyman!
the kiddos were having a blast being with all the family.
ty even got to chomp on a Reeses. curtesy of Jamie and James.

we had a great time all being together.
I even got a taste of the meat cutting business
and got to go help out Jamie and James.
Tuesday mom and Jamie took a day off work so we could all hang out together.
so we kept laity bug with us for the day and headed to 
Evanston to do some shopping.

I think dad must have been feeling a little left out because he came
and met up with us for lunch.
those two had so much fun playing at mcdonalds and eating on the saddles.

we had such a good time in Lyman but come Wednesday it was
time to head back home.
ty also turned 5 months old on wednesday!
can I just say how much I adore this smiley boy!

Thursday was busy unpacking and getting back into our routine.
I had a dentist appointment to get my crown filled so 
it was seriously a crazy day running around.
Friday was no different!
it was a crazy end to our week!
Saturday we got up and going bright and early to go to a vendor event
over in Rawlins.
it ended up being a dud...
I didnt sell anything but it wasn't well attended at all.
so it was a LONG ol BORING day!
so grateful for Eric and my kids being so patient!
after a long day of sitting and doing pretty much nothing we were
all pretty tired.
so that was it for our week!

.365 Project.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

a hunting he will go

 Sunday we got up and going and had megan take our family pictures
before they took off for home.
The wind was a little bit crazy and so it was a bit colder than expected.

After we took pictures and ate lunch our company took off.
It was hard to see them go.
It was so nice to have them around and help out around the vendor event.
After they left Tyson and Cortney came over to babysit Madyn while Eric, Me and Ty
went to the Sunday night football game 
between Denver and the New York Giants.

We lost horribly!
I was kind of bummed because I broke my winning streak.
I have never been to a broncos game where they haven’t won until now.
But either way it was still pretty fun.
The weather was pretty nice and ty was super happy!
he was loving the people that were sitting behind us!

We didn’t get home till around 1 in the morning so we were super tired the next day. 
Thursday Eric had the day off so he took off to the mountains
to do some hunting since he had the day off.
it was after 8 that evening that I started to get nervous because I had
yet to hear from him.
close to 9 I finally got a call that he was on his way home
and he was bringing home an 4x5.
part of me was soooo happy and excited for him...
the other part just didnt want to have to mess with an elk.

that day we also had parent/ teacher conference for 
madyn over at HeadStart.
she is still doing awesome and she absolutely loves her teachers.
im so glad that they love her back.
it makes it a lot easier leaving her for the day when you know
that the people you are leaving her with care for her just as much as you do!

Friday Eric went back to work.
he was talking to one of his supervisors about his day off and being
able to get an elk.
he had only gotten half of it down the day before and stashed the other half in
a snow bank so he could go get it later. 
when she found that out she told him that he could take off to 
go get the rest of it off the mountain.
that was a relief!
poor Eric was dead tired after hauling an elk off the mountain by himself!
that evening we had our ward Halloween party!
Madyn went as Doc McStuffins and Ty went as Mr Clean.

she had fun playing the games and doing a small little trick or treat in the gym.
Saturday me and the kids took off to the valley.
I took Eric's elk home with us so that James could cut it all up.
I had to give Eric crap because I told him that i wanted nothing to do with the elk.
he had to mess with it all and clean it all up and here I was taking care of it!
it's a good thing I love that guy!

.365 Project.

Monday, December 11, 2017

first vendor event!

Sunday we went over to the gillies’ house to visit for a bit before we headed back to Laramie.
Madyn had school off for the week!
They have had a lot of sickness going around
and really low attendance between the students and teachers.
So they decided to cancel for the week,
do some major disinfecting,
 and hope everyone recovers quick.

we had lots of fun being home together...
but she, of course, kept me on my toes the whole time!
I sure love that little stink pot!

Friday Mom, Megan and her kiddos came down to Laramie.
I had my first vendor event scheduled for Saturday and they came to help out.
We were pretty busy the rest of the evening getting things ready.
Saturday was the big day.
The event was originally outdoors….
Yes, you read that right, an OUTDOOR vendor event in the middle of October in WYOMING!
So no surprise here when we woke up to snow and cold temps.
But we packed up and headed that way to set up.
We had most of our stuff set up except for the clothing out
and so we sat in our cars to stay warm while we waited for the event to start.
Shortly before they were going to start accepting admission
they told us they were able to get permission to head indoors.
Trust me when I say I was completely dreading trying to sell dresses in
Wyoming snow, wind, and cold.
It was a great first event and we had good success!
I went into it thinking that I was ok if I didn’t sell anything,
it was more about getting my name out there and advertising.
So I was even more ecstatic when I was able to sell!
Eric was such a trooper too!
It was his birthday and he spent all day helping me out.
So for his birthday we got altitude and brought it home
And mom made the most delicious german chocolate cake.
It was a pretty great week in my opinion.

.365 Project.