Tuesday, April 24, 2018

oh Christmas tree

anyone want to tell me where this girl comes from?
seriously she is the silliest!

ty had his 6 month Check up to start out the week.
he is doing wonderfully and getting big!
seriously how is he growing up so fast?
with Tyson's upcoming wedding I thought we better get in some haircuts.
I haven't had my hair cut since before my Crohn's surgery.... TWO YEARS!
so I scheduled madyn a haircut and one for me the next day.
let's just say day 1 of haircuts was a little crazy.
Madyn was super nervous to get her hair cut....
and by the time it was all said and done ty was over it.
he was ready to eat and for a nap so let's just say I was ready to get out of the 
salon as fast as I could before all hell broke loose from my children. 
so when I got home and took a closer look at little miss I about lost it!

I wanted little miss to have a long aline cut.... not a crooked cut...
needless to say I cancelled my appointment and started looking for someone 
to help fix little miss' hair.
everyone told me I should just take her back to the lady that did it 
but she already cut it shorter then I wanted and I wasn't about it have her
butcher it some more.
luckily I had some recommendations from some local friends on who to take her to.
and even better they all recommended the same person.
so the next day we went and got it all straightened and evened out.
Friday Eric had the day off so we were able to get my infusion done
and some other errands accomplished. 
what can I say...
I love a productive day!
and then Saturday we took off to the mountains to find us a Christmas Tree!

and oh my heck you guys... we walked, and walked, and walked and walked...
and just really didnt have any luck finding a good one.
our funny story of the day was when we came up upon the tree pictured below and
madyn was just sure that she found us the perfect tree!

sometimes it really frightens me how much she is like me!
after trying a few different spots for a tree the kids fell asleep in the truck
so Eric got out and went searching for one on his own.
he was gone for quite awhile but luckily brought one back with him!
he wasn't too happy with the one he found but we were tired of looking.
and to be honest I thought it was great.

all day madyn talked and talked about wanting to be the one to put the star on top...
and when it came her turn she completely chickened out.
(look at that short hair!)
it has grown on me and I have come to like it but it really is a lot shorter then I wanted!

all in all it was a pretty great end to a crazy week!
so grateful for those two sweet children and their dad.
I LOVE this time of year!

Thursday, April 19, 2018


come the weekend little mr was starting to act like he was feeling much better. 
what a stinking relief!
ya know, he sure keeps us on our toes but we do adore him so!

all week long I tried perfecting a roll recipe that Megan has.
that was my assignment for dinner and so I was bound and determined to 
make them amazing!
it took a few tries! but it was well worth it!
thursday was THANKSGIVING! 
Eric was on call and happened to have to go in.
he luckily came home just in time to head over for thanksgiving dinner. 
I serve with Cassandra in the young womens and she was nice enough
to invite our family over to their house for dinner.
and it was absolutely DELICIOUS!
they wrapped their turkey in bacon and I have never had a better tasting bird!
it was pure goodness!
it was pretty hard being away from everyone on Thanksgiving,
especially since everyone from both sides of the family were all in Lyman.
but it ended up being a pretty great day.
we are pretty lucky to have such great friends to welcome us in their home for the holidays.
Friday we decided to do a little Black Friday shopping. 
nothing too big, we just hit up the local stores,
and luckily did end up snagging a few good deals.
that evening we wanted to take madyn iceskating....

don't let that smile fool you... she HATED it!
she really never got the hang of it,
between trying to balance on skates and being on ice...
it made her nervous and it was not her cup of tea.
we probably spent more time getting ready and getting the skates on then 
we did out on the ice.
Saturday I had a Small Saturday vendor event.
ty spent the day with me while madyn stayed with her dad.

they came and visited us for a bit and had lunch and then
they went out and bowled.
I think that had a pretty great day together!
madyn loves her little daddy/ daughter dates.
he is pretty good to her.
I think he was really just relieved that she had fun bowling after
the fiasco we had trying to ice-skate.
Saturday Ty also turned 6 months!
seriously where does the time even go?!?

to celebrate he tried oatmeal for the first time. 
he seemed to do ok first but then he would just dry heave.
will I ever have a child that likes to eat?
lol. not counting on it!

6 months of Ty
our sweet little mr. likes to babble. even though he is a major mama's boy, his first and only words so far is dada! he started eating solids and doesn't care too much for them. he has started sitting by himself really well this month! ty loves the bath, kicking his legs and splashing. he absolutely LOVES and ADORES his sister! she SMOTHERS him! and he just laughs and laughs at her. he has the biggest smile and the prettiest blue eyes!

.365 Project.

and I quit... lol

Saturday, March 3, 2018

croup :(

Sunday was pretty busy getting everything done for young women in excellence
later that night.
this calling sure keeps us on our toes and very busy.
Monday Dad was passing through on his way home from Denver.
so we got to have lunch with him, don and Jason.
Trav, Tys, and their girlfriends joined us. 
I was starting to get a little worried about Ty, he was starting to sound pretty hoarse.
it is that time of year when the crud is going around. 
that evening when Eric got home we started to notice that he started having 
a cough, and it was sounding pretty bark so we knew we better get him checked out pretty quick.
luckily Eric was off work Tuesday so he was able to go to the pediatrician with us.
he was in the beginning stages of croup and we were warned that the worst was
probably just ahead of us. 
They gave him a steroid shot and some tips to help him feel better and sent us on our way.
that evening we took him out on a drive thinking the fresh air would do him some good.
the poor kid screamed the whole time.
and the next day all he did was just scream... and very rarely sleep... and completely refuse to eat.
the poor kid was breaking my heart.
I called to see if they thought it was the steroid making him so out of sorts and
they suggested we come in to check on all his levels.
so back to the doctor we went.
the poor little guy would just cry and cry.
he was seriously breaking my heart.
but they gave him a good look over and double checked all his levels
and concluded that it was probably just the steroid making him all out of sorts.
he FINALLY fell asleep on the way home and we had a pretty ok
evening after that. 
Thursday Eric and Madyn desperately needed out of the house so 
they went out to the ward thanksgiving dinner while me and ty stayed home.

little man was actually starting to get happier! 
he was such a trooper. 
such a happy little guy even though you could tell he didnt feel good.
whenever we would cough he would just wimper and it was the saddest little thing.
so seeing those smiles brought a lot of peace to my worried heart.
that weekend we had planned to take the kiddos down to Lyman 
so all the grandkids could go to Disney on Ice down in Utah.
well with ty being so sick I didnt dare take him down.
he's not the best traveller anyways so thinking about him fussing the whole way there 
just didnt sound very fun at all.
plus add in traveling when we have had very little sleep
and the roads were supposed to be bad... we decided that we better back out.
but mom and dad were doing this for the grandkids so mom thought she better come
down to pick madyn up so she wouldn't be left out.
she made it to rock springs and then decided that the roads were too bad and 
that she better turn around.
mads was pretty bummed but we tried to make the best out of our weekend.
we had movie nights and lots of treats.
Saturday I took a last minute spot at a vendor event. 
Eric kept the kiddos with him and they came and saw me for the last hour or two.
it was a pretty good hit.
which was pretty refreshing after such a crazy week.

.365 Project.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

flu shots!

we had a pretty busy week in ol laradise!
monday I had to meet with one of the workers at head start to have a chat
about little miss mads.
she is doing pretty great at preschool.
im sure proud of her.

she is in a funny stage right now.... she is definitely hitting her teen years
even though she is only 4!
that is the look she shoots me when I tell a joke
that she is less then amused by lol.
Tuesday Eric had the day off so we took Madyn into get her flu shot.
after she passed out last time she got shots we made sure we had all her bases covered.
we are really blessed to have such good pediatricians and nurses.
she pretty much nursed herself the whole rest of the day.
everyone she talked to she told she needed to take it easy from her shot!

she sure knows how to milk it!
Wednesday we were busy babysitting our friends little girl.
madyn ended up staying home from preschool, I think she was
feeling some of the after effects of the shot.
she didnt seem like she was feeling too hot.
Thursday madyn had SLAM Night at school.
she was so excited to go to school at night and do their activities.
they had obstacle courses, texture play and lots of other activities.
she had a lot of fun but the silly goose was soooo shy when we got there.
Friday Madyn had her dentist appointment and she got all dolled up to go!

the dentist was pretty proud of little miss!
no cavities and she was really impressed that she didnt have any stains on her teeth.
after madyns appointment we went across the hall so I could get my flu shot.
Saturday we had a few errands to run around town and then we took 
it easy as a family.
im pretty lucky to have such a great family!
I love them lots and lots!

.365 Project.