come the weekend little mr was starting to act like he was feeling much better.
what a stinking relief!
ya know, he sure keeps us on our toes but we do adore him so!
all week long I tried perfecting a roll recipe that Megan has.
that was my assignment for dinner and so I was bound and determined to
make them amazing!
it took a few tries! but it was well worth it!
thursday was THANKSGIVING!
Eric was on call and happened to have to go in.
he luckily came home just in time to head over for thanksgiving dinner.
I serve with Cassandra in the young womens and she was nice enough
to invite our family over to their house for dinner.
and it was absolutely DELICIOUS!
they wrapped their turkey in bacon and I have never had a better tasting bird!
it was pure goodness!
it was pretty hard being away from everyone on Thanksgiving,
especially since everyone from both sides of the family were all in Lyman.
but it ended up being a pretty great day.
we are pretty lucky to have such great friends to welcome us in their home for the holidays.
Friday we decided to do a little Black Friday shopping.
nothing too big, we just hit up the local stores,
and luckily did end up snagging a few good deals.
that evening we wanted to take madyn iceskating....
don't let that smile fool you... she HATED it!
she really never got the hang of it,
between trying to balance on skates and being on ice...
it made her nervous and it was not her cup of tea.
we probably spent more time getting ready and getting the skates on then
we did out on the ice.
Saturday I had a Small Saturday vendor event.
ty spent the day with me while madyn stayed with her dad.
they came and visited us for a bit and had lunch and then
they went out and bowled.
I think that had a pretty great day together!
madyn loves her little daddy/ daughter dates.
he is pretty good to her.
I think he was really just relieved that she had fun bowling after
the fiasco we had trying to ice-skate.
seriously where does the time even go?!?
to celebrate he tried oatmeal for the first time.
he seemed to do ok first but then he would just dry heave.
will I ever have a child that likes to eat?
lol. not counting on it!
our sweet little mr. likes to babble. even though he is a major mama's boy, his first and only words so far is dada! he started eating solids and doesn't care too much for them. he has started sitting by himself really well this month! ty loves the bath, kicking his legs and splashing. he absolutely LOVES and ADORES his sister! she SMOTHERS him! and he just laughs and laughs at her. he has the biggest smile and the prettiest blue eyes!
.365 Project.
and I quit... lol
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