These are some posts from my friends blogs about this semester
that i want to always have
so dont feel obligated to read if you dont want...
Posted by Tawni :)
Love you
The ending of another chapter, how it went by sooo fast, :( I will miss the memories
I can't imagine how life will be with out the friends i've just come so close to knowing. They each are so amazing. We cried, we laughed, and we held on. We were meant to be together even if it was for that small moment of time.
I am sad as i say goodbye, to the following individuals who influenced my life in such a great way.
Sarah Cunningham, my room roommate, she always made me smile. She had a heart that yearned for kindness, she brought out the cheesy childish side of me, :) She really made me feel like her sister, and we still have a bucket list to accomplish.
Jaelyn Scott, a very amazing individual, she is a star in that she isn't afraid to be who she wants to be. She is brave and she is dedicated. Jaelyn is so sweet, she too makes you feel good about yourself.
Heather Viland, haha, the cutest and most rad girl i know. She is Heather, she is the girl who likes watching documentaries for fun and colored bubbles. Heather has an open spirit constantly soaring to new heights. She may be the smallest girl, but her love and desire for the unique things in life make her influence one of the greatest.
Kaprena Worth, One of the most spontaneous, beautifully talented individuals i have ever met. Her heart is sincere, and her smile real. She knows how to take a broken heart and give it wings to fly. She is one tough cookie, and though she is one of the most beautiful girls you'll ever see, she could whip your butt any day. Her gentleness is balanced with her spirit.
Kylie Erickson...I am sad to leave you. How you have been such a good and true friend to me. You are so amazing, you are beautiful and so loving. I see you with your family and it's just beautiful. You made me feel good about myself, and through your nuttiness and spur of the moment ideas, i was able to have some of the most memorable experiences that mean the world to me. I really and truly will miss your presence when i go home. You have something about you that just makes me feel at home. You are real. I love you so much Kylie, thank you for being the best friend i could ever hope for. You are so amazing and so strong, i can't wait to see the works you will do in the future. Know you always have a friend in me. My heart just loves you so much.
As for the boys, Brandon and Michael. You two were such nuts. A thought of you will always make me grin. I am so grateful even through me being a jerk, you guys were still my friends. You guys are one of a kind.
I'll miss Phil, and Jacobs playing. Those nights were some of my most favorites, especially when you played with Kaprena, truly abstract art. :)
And of course a shout out to a friend who has always been there for me, Jared. One of the best friends and guy in general. He really knows how to make everyone feel included and good about themselves. Thanks for all those times you helped me see the light.
I love you all so much. I hate this part of every chapter. I hate finding a family, growing deeps roots with them, and then having to yank them out. It hurts, and i will miss you all so much. But i will always remember you.
Thank you, and i love you.
I don't want to say goodbye.
Posted by Kaprena :)
This is going to be kind of the like graduation speach people give at the graduation parties.. Well i can't make it to your graduation in two days so this is what i CAN do!
There are No words to describe exactly how i feel about my Kylie, so i'll just start from the beggining.
There are No words to describe exactly how i feel about my Kylie, so i'll just start from the beggining.
This is us last semester... Remember??
This was honestly the Day that I think me and kylie were officially friends
(and it was almost the end of the semester)
but just for the record, i always thought Kylie was hilarious and fun.
When she wanted to be my roomie this semester too i was so happy.
So, Kylie is good at aLOT of things, but one of the things she is BEST at is being a Good Friend.
No, i dont just mean your average good friend you meet in a foundations class.
I mean a loyal, caring, sensative, "can't-hide-it-from-me", "no-way-i'm-letting-you-cry-alone",
"I'm-just-telling-you-honestly-cause-i-love-you", kind of frined.
And i would like to tell EVERYONE, that Kylie Erickson, NEVER let me cry alone.
When I was breaking off my engagement (hardest time of my life)
She captured me and took me home to her family. They loved me and
laughed with me and took care of me. Kylie took me for a "Mommy Thereap Session"
and her house cause my Mommy couldn't be there. She made sure i had everything i needed.
If i needed to cry and i couldn't hold it in, she didn't try to say anything to make it
better, cause there was nothing that could be said.
She was just there. Thats what friends are for.
Thank you Kylie Erickson for loving me and telling me so.
Thanks for all the crazy times.
Dancing in line at the coacoa bean
Playing our bathroom games in the i-center
Stalking English men with hot accents
Doodling in the MC
Writing blogs togethers about why you are a wonderfully awkward person
hollering at the man on the side of the road (who then drove behind us for 30 minutes..)
And so many more adventures!!
My fondest memories are our long chats in our room,
or walking the our room in the morning to my mermaid roommate hahaha
or randomly getting spanked harder then a skinny girl like you should be able to spank!
or our rides in the car (even when that stupid jerk broke your heart and i thought we were
going to die becuase of how you were driving!!)
Sorry for setting you up with douche bags on accident and for
putting other things first that you saw were bad for me
the whole time.
when i came around and needed you.
Sorry for my *friends* that none of you guys actually liked
And thanks for helping me see that i was almost making a decision
i would probably regret. YOU were my voice of reason when
my hear just wanted to say "yes, it can work"
In the song I wrote you, when i said "can you see how you rescued me", its more true then i realized it would be. Thank you. You've ment everything to me. I miss you. I miss your funny jokes. about your bug-bites and yours and my sleep-talking. Walking in the kitchen and seeing you jumping up and down on our couch like a 3 year old. Or walking in our room and seeing you munching on one of two things or both: Chocolate pudding, or the cracker sticks with cheese.
i will never forget you! i wish we could just be life-roomies cause i'm really missing seeing you in the morning and knowing i have some one who cares about me one bed away from me at night.
you've been a huge part of my life for the last year and i will never forget you.
We won't lose touch and i can't wait to recieve and invitation to your wedding when your
prince comes home to sweep you off your feet. Hard to believe he could
deserve you, but someone's got to get you! He must be wonderful.
I love you so much ky
"LOVE ME!!!!"
-you know i do-
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