Friday, January 30, 2015

16 Months and Growing Growing Growing

sunday we made it back to Laradise!
i had the worst head ache and really did not feel so great.
but my awesome husband let me have a good long nap in the car and when we
got home.
tuesday eric played in his first game for city league basketball
on the tough guys team, of course.
they killed the other team.
wednesday me and mads headed over to cheyenne.
madyn is starting to run out of clothes!
it was so nice to get out, even if i was sick the whole time and madyn
had a monster meltdown in hobby lobby.
on thursday madyn turned 16 months!

(sorry had to keep all of these cuz i thought they were pretty cute! my little ham)
16 Months of Madyn!
she says- no, yeah, thanks, what, momma, da for dad, cheese, uh-oh,
pee-boo for peek-a-boo, what's that, yay, and the jibber jabber goes on and on.
she loves to sing a long with music and dance.
she gets soo excited when All About That Bass comes on.
she throws her hands in the air when we say TOUCHDOWN!
she loves to wave, clap, blow kisses, give high fives and knuckles.
she is the proud owner of 6 top teeth and 3 bottom.
we hope her bottom molars come in soon, her poor gums are SOOO swollen.
she LOVES watching movies! Frozen has been the current favorite.
she loves breakfast foods including pancakes, waffles, muffins, cereal and yogurt.
she takes one nap a day that is 3-5 hours.
she is obsessed with her grandmas.
she loves to be in any sort of rocking chair.
she is not afraid to kick you out of the chair if she wants in it.
she is the best at folding her arms for prayer.
and is excellent at brushing her teeth.
we just got her into a forward facing car seat and she LOVES it!
her favorite toys right now are her play dishes and tea sets.
she's the best little girl that we could ever ask for!

eric had another city league basketball game on thursday.
this one was a little more intense...
eric was ejected
in all honesty it wan't his fault but it was pretty crazy...
2 guys were on top of him and it was nuts.
but he makes me proud and just walked away from all the nonsense.

saturday we went to the pokes game.
we had a lot of fun.
i love being together with my little family!!!
after the game we went home and just took it easy.

a great ending to a good week:)

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