Sunday, February 22, 2015


sunday we got up and going so we could head over to church.
me and eric had to speak in sacrament meeting about prayer,
so mom and dad stayed for church so they could sit with madyn while we talked.
they left right after sacrament meeting.
it was madyn's first time in nursery.
and she didn't handle it very well.....
hopefully it will get better..... hopefully.....
when we got home from church all of us were super exhausted!
we slept our day away.
monday and tuesday we slept our day away again.
i seriously don't know what is up but i have a massive headache and
im exhausted constantly!
tuesday i did manage to put on some make up and we went and watched eric
play city league basketball.
it was nice to get out of the house but it seriously killed me.
the big task this week is weaning madyn from her binkie.
we were doing it so she only had it during naps and bedtime and then at church
or other outings if necessary.
but over time it would be out and she would grab it and i wouldn't think too much of it
and just let her have it.
the goal of completely breaking her from it has been 18 months...
but now since she can go to nursery early 
i definitely don't want her being dependent on it. soooo the struggle is real at our house.
wednesday i was starting to kind of feel like i was getting some energy so even though
i had a massive headache i wanted to get out of the house.
so we tried swimming again with madyn.
and this time she LOVED it. i think she was just getting sick the last time
and that's why she wasn't so into it.
she loved slashing and running around.
she was pretty funny.
thursday we ran some errands around town and got a lot done.
there were some things i wanted to go to that night but i wasn't feeling so good again.
that night we found out that little miss is a taylor swift fan...
blank space came on the radio and eric switched it and she flipped...
so he turned it back and she was happy.
he found going back and forth was very amusing...
until the song was over and she wasn't too happy.
friday was my first time in FOREVER that i didn't need to take a nap!
i felt very accomplished. seriously, whatever crud i had took it all out of me!
that night me and eric and mads had a date over at corona village.
always a favorite!
saturday the snow started to fall.
eric had a lot to do so my and mads lounged around for the day.
she is so funny, she is seriously getting so big and learning so many new things each day.
i LOVE it!

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