Saturday, May 16, 2015

mother's day!

sunday was mother's day!
we went to church and sat by grandma and grandpa gillies.
madyn wanted NOTHING to do with me!
in fact she just kicked me right out of my seat.
madyn struggled with church...
so it was a long day.
me and mom went and watched Austy give a talk in primary.
oh my heck I love that girl!
she did such a great job.
that girl is a cutie.
after we went over to the gillies house for Tyson's Skype call.
he looked good and happy.
I can't believe that he has been out almost a year now!
Monday we headed back to Laramie.
it was soooo good to be back home!
madyn was beyond THRILLED to see eric.
Tuesday we took a drive up to the Snowys.
it was a nice ride, we saw TONS of deer and elk.


the deer were still super ragged so I didn't get too camera happy.
well eric had a super bad migraine and I was exhausted!
so we headed home,
but it was a really nice drive.
Wednesday we got the house picked up
and everything back in order since we have been gone.
eric started back at work... so we miss him lots!
that night was pretty rough!
madyn has been waking up in the middle of the night
and struggling to get back to sleep.
I have a hard time letting her cry it out because I hate that she
wakes eric up and then he cant get back to sleep.
but I hate going to get her because I don't want her to get in the habit.
sooo that night I caved. but she was WIDE awake!
so we went out and made our bed on the couch and I decided to let her
watch Frozen... yeah that was a bad idea.
she had to get up and sing and dance to every song,
and on the parts she thought was funny she would yell
in my ears- KY! MOM! point, and giggle.
it was pretty cute and funny
but I was trying to go back to bed, so at that moment it really wasn't.
let's just say it was a LONG night...
 Thursday we babysat Easton while mark and brandy went to the movies.
those kiddos crack me up.
they went into madyns room and shut the door,
you could hear them giggling and playing together.
I went in to see how they were doing and madyn yells at me NO!
she pushed me right out the door and slammed it in my face lol.
I think it's a little too early for her to be embarrassed by me,
but hey what do I know!

Saturday we worked out in our yard,
and finally got some flowers to plant in our garden.
I love seeing our little place come together.
it's a pretty good place to call home:)
 later that day we pulled out the 'wubble'
that mom and dad got madyn for easter...
she was a little terrified of it at first
but then ended up LOVING IT!!!
and I have to admit- it was pretty fun!


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