Saturday, July 11, 2015

rain, rain, rain.

let me tell you sunday was miserable.
madyn was a little turd!
she was soooo grumpy!
I sure wish those teeth would come in all the way
Monday we spent a lot of the time cleaning the house.
we couldn't really go outside because it was stinking raining like crazy.
I seriously love the rain now that we have a lawn we have to water.
when madyn went to sleep I spent my time finishing up
madyn's doll house.
I love how it turned out!

Tuesday it rained rained rained.
I seriously have never appreciated rain like I should....
I love not having to water my lawn!
but poor madyn is soooo cooped up in the house.
she wants to get out sooo bad.
so we had mark, brandy and east over for dinner and some play time.
but the little stink was pretty emotional.
teeth! come in all the way already!
she is going to have some pointy canines, I can already tell!
Wednesday was really rainy too.
but the evening it decided to finally stop.
so we were able to go to the park for a bit.
I think it does the girl good to get out and run.
 Thursday we had a good thunderstorm.
I was actually pretty surprised because some of the thunder
was super loud and long...
and madyn didn't even flinch.
we were watching mickey mouse and snuggling when it was all going on,
and a big one went off and she just so clamly said, whoa.
it was so cute and funny... and probably a 'you had to be there moment'
eric got off work fairly early so we walked over to Undine Park to the Farmer's Market.
it was pretty lame and not a lot of venders.
we then had dinner and went over to the rodeo.
it was a really good one and fairly fast paced.
it was a bull ride only rodeo, so we got to pass up on all the boring stuff.
madyn was really good and thankfully the seats are covers because it rained on and off.
all in all we had a good time!
 Saturday we had a nice little get away to Cheyenne.
my ring was back from being resized and eric had to pick up his bow.
madyn didn't sleep all day but she was such a champ!
very good considering how tired she was...
can I just say my little doll is such a ham!
I sure love her to pieces.

she is a goober and I love every minute of her silliness.
also this week our lilies started to bloom.
they are soooo unique!
my phone gives it a funny color cast.
the petals really look black.
it's definitely not what I expected. but I kinda like them!
all in all it was another good week in the books!

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