Sunday, May 8, 2016


sunday we got up and going and out of town!
it was crazy windy so we had terrible gas mileage but were
soooo happy to be home!
this little goober is sure something to travel with!

she kept us entertained the whole way home.
monday i was itching to spend my birthday money.
so me and mads took a trip over to cheyenne.
i know this is pretty much a broken record.... but i LOVE target.
i could seriously walk around for HOURS at that store!
my funny tidbit at target was that a little boy was being noisy
and we were kind of by them and madyn shouted "BE QUIET!"....
and the little boy started crying.... needless to say we hit the corner pretty fast.
she also kept my self esteem high while i was trying on new clothes 
telling me that i was beautiful... or if there was an outfit she didnt like.... good
thing those were the outfits i didnt like either!
madyn also insisted that she get a $1 butterfly net....

she was sooo funny to walk around with catching pretend butterflies.
after awhile of pretending the proudly announced LOOK AT ME!
I GOT CAUGHT!....... I so silly!
that you are my little girl, that you are!
we hit a few more stores before madyn had enough.
i dont blame her.
mom + target... can be a little rough.
we got home and spent about 20 minutes with eric before
he headed off to study... till the dark hours of night.
boy will i be glad to get my husband back after this semester!
tuesday we had another great day.
the weather was sooo beautiful!
so after we watched colter we took a walk over to laprelle park.
i LOVED madyns outfit so i wanted to take some pictures of her....
she wasnt very cooperative.... but i did  get in a few snaps.

i have to laugh at her :)
this next one was the "pose" she insisted on taking.

we spent awhile over there and all the sudden she hopped back
into her stroller and insisted that we GO HOME!
folded arms, attitude and all.
so we started to head out.
we crossed the street long enough to decided that she
wanted to go back to the park.....
since washington was only a few blocks away we decided to 
take a detour and call the cousins to see if they wanted to join us.
madyn spent the majority of the time in the swing....
i got lots of glaring looks from moms from us being in there so long....
but i was not ready to walk all the way back home
with a tantruming two year old!
eric had clinicals over in cheyenne and was just getting into town 
while we were still at the park so he met us over there.
 nothing has been more of a saving grace to me then getting in some
extra vitamin d with the beautiful weather. 
we enjoyed being outside together before he had to take off to study again.
these "i-only-get-to-see-you-maybe-a-few-hours-a-day" are really
starting to wear on me.
i guess it's a good thing madyn has such a silly sense of 
humor right now to keep me entertained.
she has gotten blisters on her big toes from her shoes.....
to her there is "ice cream on my toes!"
i have no idea where that one came from!
but it's not a blister, not an owie, not anything but icecream to her.

or when she comes into the room with
her googles on:)
she is seriously soooo goofy!
wednesday we did some running around.
madyn had her play date. i had appointments. it was a pretty busy day.
later we wanted to go to the park but it was PACKED!
so since we were by the university we decided to drop in and see
eric at work.
since no one was in the lab we stayed with him
till it was time to go home.
it was so nice to be able to be with him for over an hour.
we miss him lots.
thursday we had some errands to run again.
we even took baby colter with us.
he was such a champ being dragged around.
that afternoon we decided to try the park again....
this time we had it all to ourselves.

she was soooo goofy and i love watching her play
with her "imaginary" friends.
so since madyn was having so much fun and i 
had some phone calls to make i decided to get them taken care
of while i had the moment to do so.
then all the sudden i look up and my little miss was just climbing away!

about gave me a heart attach since usually she is so timid,
especially with climbing.
oh my little girl is growing up so fast!
she really got worn out...
because on the way home she passed out.

shes even a diva when she sleeps. lol.
that night we went out to eat with eric and then wanted
to hit another park before he had to take off and study again.
but i have been flaring like crazy lately...
so that pretty much ruined our plans.
friday we had a play date at the park with my visiting teachers.
i seriously have the best ones!
it was really cloudy and didnt look so great out but
it was still pretty nice out.... with the exception of a few big burst
of wind gusts.
that afternoon i had the WORST headache.
madyn was so sweet and had my lay my head on her lap
and tickled my face and ran her fingers through my hair...
see my little terror can be a sweet heart too.
eric came home from work and let me go lay down
and take a nap for a bit.
that kind of helped.... i wasnt really ready to give him up again
especially since i didnt feel good.
so the best part of our day was that he didnt go and we got to
have him all night! all to ourselves!
saturday was cold and gloomy!
so i really just wanted to stay in my sweats and enjoy the day being lazy.
eric left to go study, so me and madyn had a nice morning together.
eric came home that afternoon so he could take a nap because he
wasnt feeling very good now. he started getting a nasty cold.
so him and mads went down for a nap together
while i got stuff done around the house.
he went out and studied more that night.
so me and madyn snuggled up, did some crafts
and watched cinderella.
then we settled in fairly early then normal.
it was a pretty good day and week.

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