Monday, January 9, 2017

christmas and new years eve!

madyn was pretty excited to wake up Christmas morning to see what 
Santa had brought for her.
she got a doll house, a kitty cat, and a few stocking stuffers.

we had a nice morning at church.
when we were getting ready to leave we were standing in the foyer
and it was snowing and blowing pretty hard outside.
someone came out and said wow it's a blizzard out there!
madyn turned and looked at me all confused "there is a lizard out there?!?"
later instead of blizzard- she referred to it as a blister.
that afternoon eric had to work from 4-10.
tuesday i had a doctors appointment and right after we took off to 
head to lyman.
it was nice to be home and with all the family.
friday i had an OB appointment at the U in salt lake
so me and eric took off to do that...
it took us 3 hours!!
it was seriously the longest appointment of my life.
they did another ultrasound so we were able to see that it is for sure
a little boy in there.
he is measuring right on time with my due date and looks great.
although i do have to say he is already stressing me out...
he is so stinking active and wiggley.
when the doctor first came in to check his heart beat with the doppler,
she would get it and then he would flip so she couldnt get his rate.
and then when we were doing the ultrasound he was all over the place.
that boy is going to keep me on my toes!
after my appointment we rushed home to have our gillies family christmas party.
carilyn made a yummy prime rib.
the kids did the nativity and then opened presents. 

i think it was pretty fun for them all to extend christmas out.
saturday morning we trekked off to dead horse to go sledding.
even though i really couldnt do much i still had a lot of fun.
it was the first time i had been in dad's razor...
i enjoyed that a lot more then the fourwheeler....
i swear i could feel that little boy with every bump!

mom and dad made delicious chili and scones.
and it was just a fun day all in all.
when we got home we had our erickson family christmas/ new years eve party.
we had yummy food and the kids had fun with their presents.

after all that fun we played some games...
then everyone went home and we were in bed by 11.
i swear... new years eve is way overrated!
i would much rather get some sleep.

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