Tuesday, April 1, 2014

week 25: SPRING BREAK & 6 months

i think eric actually heard angels singing hallelujah!
it was time for a break. 
we started out the week going to good ol' Cheyenne.
we had a gift certificate from Valentine's Day to Olive Garden which we 
were absolutely DYING to use.
it was nice to get out of Laramie
even if just for a few hours.
Tuesday it SNOWED a bunch...
so much for a break...

Eric had to shovel snow for at least 12 hours that day.
we were pretty bummed.
we planned on going to the zoo in Denver Wednesday,
but with all the snow we figured that we better wait for another day.
but then Wednesday turned out to be pretty decent
and an appointment that I had on Thursday was cancelled VERY last minute.
so on a whim we decided to book a hotel and go spend some time in Denver.

we got there later in the day so there wasn't much that we 
really could do with little misses early bedtime.
we drove around a bit, had dinner and took mad's swimming for her first time.
she LOVED it!!!

the next day we got up and headed to the zoo.
we met up with mark, brandy and easton
and enjoyed the BEAUTIFUL weather!
it was kinda funny, when we got there everyone was in coats and beanies.
and us Wyoming folk were all in shorts!

even though mads had no idea what was going on 
she absolutely LOVED the zoo.
i think she just enjoyed being outdoors and being held.
after the zoo we went and grabbed something to eat and eric wanted to go to 
Bass Pro Shop so we headed that way.
once we got there i was excited cuz right next door was a Super Target
so me and mads ditched eric and walked over and did a little shopping of our own.
madyn was soo funny!
she was absolutely happy and giggly.

i bought her some $1 aviator glasses so we could match.
i put them on her and she just laughed so hard.
she thought it was hilarious.
they were a way to big for her so i put them back in my hair
and she just belly laughed.
i just think she enjoyed her little get away too.
on our way home, we were almost to Cheyenne and mads started getting restless.
we figured she was hungry, so we decided to go get some Cold Stone and
we would feed her there.
Once we got into Cheyenne, we were rear ended at a stop light!
was a crappy way to end our great little vacation!
Friday i woke up feeling AWFUL!
so we just took it easy.
i had some appointments then after
we did took mads to Murdochs to see the baby chicks.
she loved them!

eric was NOT impressed by little misses outfit lol

he said she looked like a little grandma!
i thought she looked cute lol :)

on saturday little miss officially turned 6 MONTHS!!!

we sure love our little stinker!

6 Months of Mads!
she has the sweetest giggle and smile :)
she loves pears and carrots!
she loves to be talked to by anyone!
seriously this girl LOVES any kind of attention.
the loves to play with my hair (more like pull)
she has to hold on to it while she nurses.
she is obsessed with sweater strings!
she likes to pull her bow off her headband and play with it.
or pull her headband down and chew on it.
she loves eating her socks and toes!
she is BIG into textures right now and claws at everything!
she says DA DA!
she gets soo excited when eric comes home.
she NEVER stops talking.
(unless she is in a new environment or other people are around besides me and eric)
she loves playing in her ExerSaucer and Johnny Jumper.
she splashes all her bath water out! this girl is seriously a fish!
she loves getting her back tickled. she gets soo still!

we are soo lucky to have her in our lives!
we love her a lot!

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