Monday, April 18, 2011

ups and downs of rexburg

once again im in a very negative mood.
hahaha go figure right.
there are many things that i absolutely love about rexy
but there are also things i CANNOT stand!
1. the drive
(especially behind SLOW drivers)
1. feeling completely under dressed on sunday if you arent in your church clothes
2. seeing couples EVERYWHERE
3. pda everywhere you look
3. amy, chelsea and chris not being here
4. roommates singing their lungs out thinking they have hot voices
5. worrying about wearing a hat on campus.
6. constantly worrying about offending people
7. the sea of people walking everywhere

things i think are absolutely weird about rexy
1. having church in the mc
2. feeling lost and backwards in the mc/ byui center
3. kaprena being engaged
4. stadium singing
(i know, i cant believe that i have admitted that i have been)

things that i love about rexy
1. cocoa bean
2. millcreek hollow sandwiches
3. not having to drive 45 min to go to wally world
4. kaprena being here and sharing a room with her
5. the beautiful temple being so stinking close
6. the aroma of kaprena's airfreshener.

just a thought......
if you are feeling generous
send me 3 dollars so i can go to the cocoa bean everyday
that would lift my spirits. :-)


  1. Yeah right...only if you mail my cupcake back to me every time you go!

  2. I miss you kylie!!! Summer just won't be the same without our walks.. but at least you have the cocoa bean :)
