Sunday, December 13, 2015

back to the valley.... again....

we had a good sunday.
when we got home from church we went to lay madyn
down for her nap and she goes "No, I wanna watch the game!"
so she laid on the couch, watched the broncos for a bit and passed out!
later that night eric and a classmate were working on some school work
so I was trying to keep madyn out of their hair.
everytime she passed by the kitchen she would yell HI DAD!
that girl doesn't miss a beat!
Monday morning my wonderful daughter slept in till 10!
it honestly felt AWESOME!
we seriously had the laziest day after that.
I honestly wasn't feeling like doing anything.
so madyn's funny new thing is she likes to watch the office with us.
it's pretty funny when she says want the office!
and then sits and watches and giggles at it.
that night we got a lot of cleaning done around the house.
awww I love a clean house!
Tuesday madyn was OBSESSED with dressing up...
awww she makes giggle.

we had a good day together.
mads had a wic appointment.
she apparently had a pretty good growth sprut!
she went from 30% in weight to 50% and 68% to 80% in height.
so our appointment was with a lady named rylee....
for 2 hours after the appointment madyn was soooo upset because
she wanted her cousins abby, rylee and maycie.
the rest of the day I spent wrapping Christmas presents....
I think I went a little overboard on madyn.
oh well tis the season. I guess.
Wednesday we had a busy day running errands,
babysitting, visiting teaching, and young womens.
madyn is so silly every time the little boy that I babysit cries
madyn will come up to me and say "what he say mom?"
she is always so concerned about him and loves him soo much!
Thursday we himmed and hawed over coming to the valley early.
it was supposed to snow on Friday and Saturday and since
eric has been busy with studying he thought we should head over.
so that afternoon we hopped in the car and took off.
I was soooo happy we decided to go early because it started to snow
a couple of hours after we got into town.
Friday me and mom hung out all day and watched the meeks kiddos
for awhile while they watched ester.
and of course madyn got pampered by grandma!

that night Austyn had a dance recital the Nutcracker.
she did AWESOME!
she has such a great personality and it sure shines through when she dances!

madyn luckily fell asleep on rylee's lap!
she sure loves her rylee girl.

Saturday me, mom and dad headed over to heber.
mom and dad had a viewing to go to so me and micah headed
over to provo with the three little girls.
the shopping scene was CRAZY!
like cant find a cart, lines half way back to the store crazy.
mom and dad also went and split from us and did some Christmas shopping.
that night we all met up again and went and watched Love the Coopers...
I personally was not a fan.
we had a good rest of the night visiting.
another good week in the books!

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