Monday, April 4, 2016


madyn woke up super excited to see her new Easter toys!
she got a little spoiled....
go figure huh?!?
she sure is my little cheeser!

since we woke madyn up earlier then usual to get all the
easter stuff in she was AWFUL during church!
sending her to moonbeams was rough...
to say the least!
after church we came home and crashed!
we were all sooo tired!
i was determined i wasnt going to have a nap because
i wanted to read my new book... but even i gave in!
monday we watched colter in the morning and then took off for
the valley in the afternoon.
we had to take a couple stops along the way and each time
madyn was sure we were finally at mimi's each time we slowed down.
it seemed to take us FOREVER to get to the valley!
but we were so happy when we got there.
tuesday i had a doctor's appointment in utah.

ya know... sometimes all this medical stuff seems
never ending and can get super overwhelming...
but im super thankful for such amazing doctors that are 
caring and supportive.
they make all this crap better.
after we did a little shopping and when and ate at
the cheesecake factory.
my little mads is pretty much a diva strolling those streets...

she is my little goofball even though she exhausts me!
but she is my best friend no matter what.
my little stinker, she sure keeps me laughing and 
on my toes.

early wednesday morning i had an infusion.
i luckily slept through the whole thing.
i dont know what is up with my body but im just super exhausted.
i ended up sleeping most of the day.
thursday was kind of the same story. i was really tired and 
slept quite a bit. but by the afternoon i really started feeling better.
so i went to the shop and did some book work.
friday me and mads took off for home!
we were pretty excited to get back to eric. 
madyn was super thrilled to be home with him.
saturday we went up to happy jack and went sledding.
marks family joined us.
madyn hated it!
but we had a lot of fun. we even built a snowman...
and he is pretty cute if you ask me :)

when we got home we all crashed!
we were soooo tired.
that night the cousins came over and played for a bit.
it was a pretty great week if you ask me!

love spending it with my little goof ball!

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