Sunday, November 8, 2015

home again home again!

welp sunday I woke up with a uti.
when it rains it pours!
we had a nice sunday-
skyping with eric, taking naps, visiting the in laws, and
watching football!
Monday me and dad ran some errands in the big ol city.
then we went into heber to look at a truck that I found on ksl.
I thought that would be the PERFECT present for eric for Christmas!
and it looked good! so I bought it!
I was soooo super excited!
but the problem was trying to keep it a secret...
I figured I needed eric's permission to buy it but then to still keep it
a surprise I would just tell him it didn't look good and
I didn't buy it.
Tuesday me and mads did some errand running,
paid off some debts, and then both took a good ol long nap!
I think we both needed it!
we were exhausted!!!
 Wednesday we woke up bright and early to head
back over to Laramie.
it was SOOO nice to be back home
and madyn was ecstatic!
I didn't even make it a good 72 hours before I spilled
the news of his Christmas present to him!
he just kept prying and wouldn't let go!
when I finally told him he confessed that he pretty much knew.
so I guess I'm glad that I just told him instead of being in torture for that long!
 Thursday I spent most of the day trying to get the
house back in order and food back in the cupboards.
madyn would NOT leave eric's side!
he had to go to Walmart later that night and this is how she went....

she really is the most goofy little girl in the world!

also I just have to say she completely warms my heart!
I was getting ready for the day and when I was all finished I went
and sat by her on the couch.
she climbed up on my lap and rubbed my face
and said "you pretty mom!"
the rest of the week I was completely worn out!
something about the time change and still recovering....
im up at 7 and in bed by 8....
something is really not right by this picture!
Saturday we ran to Cheyenne to do a quick stop and grab
some things we needed.
we had a great lunch at Olive Garden, came home,
and relaxed the rest of the night.
it sure is good to be back home!

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