Monday, March 28, 2011

hello again... ive turned into a quilter why you were away

sooooo........ it's been awhile......
i have been pretty busy.
i decided that i needed to do something to look forward to.
being in the valley sometimes kinda puts you in a rut.
so i decided that i wanted to sew me a quilt
i am terrible at sewing.
i took some classes in middle school....
but i never really liked it.
since then if i need to sew something i can usually whip it out.
nothing great looking but it works for me.
so this quilt was a bit of a task for me.
but i think it turned out pretty good.

i finished it in a week and a day.
i LoVe It!!!
the best part is that it has owls
i have a thing for owls right now lol

the weekend after that i decided to road tip to laramie.
it was so funny to head down and see my austy bosty and megs.
on friday i headed down to see my bestest friend christoper david walker!
it was soooo good to see him.
he's pretty awesome because he made me a new bracelet!

the AwEsOmE new purple one!!!!
all in all it was GREAT to get out of the valley for a few days!

when i got back i decided to make my little chickadees a quilt too.
abby rylee and austy were pretty insistent that my quilt was theirs
so i thought they all would like to pick out their own fabric and have one of their own.

as eric says- ive turned into a quilt slut lol
other then that absolutely nothing else has been going on.
only 10 more days left at good ol benedicts!!!!!

just a thought.....
do something that you arent really good at
work hard at it
and be proud of yourself :)

this is what i got when i hung up my skype call tonight
a cute little red heads butt wiggling in my face
it made me smile really big
i hope it did you too