Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Girl's Camp!

welp, me and mads had another sunday alone together.
after eric got off of work he headed to help Jake and Brittney move.
so me and mads went over and hung out with mark, brandy, east and grays.
we had root beer floats and the kiddos played out on the playground.
they had company over so we all chatted for a bit until little miss was ready to go.
when we got home and ready for bed eric gave us a call that they were going to 
go blow up their old washer with tannerite. 
so of course we jumped on that opportunity.
madyn was pretty funny about it all. 
i think she quite enjoyed it!

monday was a bit of a crazy day trying to get packed and 
everything in order for madyn to be set for the next couple of days.
tuesday we got up and going and headed off to girls camp.
i was supposed to be going on one of the beginning hikes with the girls
but they had enough rides- so i lucked out and didnt have to.
so we spent all our time getting camp set up and everything set
for when the girls showed up.
the next few days at camp were so good.
they kept the girls busy with workshops, water fights, skits and 
the list goes on and on....

the girls were awesome!
they did their chores without complaint, we didnt have any drama
within the group and got along so great.
since i was the only presidency leader there i was able
to really get to know and bond with the girls.

they are a great bunch of girls!
and we really did have a great time together.
i loved getting to know the other leaders that were there
and have definitely left with a few more friends.

eric did great with madyn while i was away.
he sent me a text one of the days that said
"who says i can do hair"
i was pretty impressed.

while he went to work mark and brandy graciously watched her for us.
they even took her bowling, out to ice cream and to her dance class.
although she was a little stink and kept bugging them about their apartment
being messy from them packing.
oh man that girl!

on thursday eric and mads took off to the valley so he could
drop madyn off at the grandmas and he could head to his archery shoot.
she had tons of fun being in lyman with the grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.
but it made for a very quiet house when i got home on friday.
i was looking forward to getting lots of spring cleaning done.....
and none of it got done.
i was sooo tired by the time i got all unpacked and cleaned up.
friday night me and nick went out to dinner.
it was sooo nice to catch up and talk, 
not to mention dinner was delicious!
saturday was another very lazy day... 
seriously we are talking exhaustion here.
but i did have to go to the regional stake dance to help chaperone.
and that was lots of fun.... can you hear the sarcasm in the typing?!?
all in all it was a pretty good week.
just missing the hubs and little miss!
but that was a given :)

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Independence Day! Jubilee Days!

sunday i had madyn dress up all cute and patriotic.
eric had to work so we had to go to church by ourselves again.
little miss was in quite the goofball all day.

monday was the 4th!
eric had to choose a holiday to work so since labor day is around hunting season
that was out of the question.
so since he already had to work he decided that he was going to
work a double and pull in some extra dough!
so me and madyn decided that we were going to walk down to freedom
has a birthday over at washington park.
mads was pretty hesitant at first but slowly got into it.
she wanted to try the bouncy house... but got half way through and decided
that she was going to stop...
so the guy working the event had to go in after her
and help her the rest of the way through.
...not embarrassing for me at all!...

after the bouncy house the police station had a little road
set up with some bikes and walker cars.
and she wanted to do that too!
(i was seriously so suprised how willing she was to try everything!)

and of course we had to hit
up the swings and the playground!
it was about 2 o'clock so eric was going to be taking a lunch soon
so we waited around for him so we could get some yummy fair food!
after some free snow cones, funnel cakes, corn dogs
and another round of the car and street game
it was time to go home.

that evening madyn was sooooo excited to see the fireworks.
that was all she would talk about.
she just went on and on and on.
we were so happy because eric got off work just in time
to head out to watch them with us.
madyn was up just in time to see them start and was out before
the 15 minute show was over.

and the other big news of the night was she decided she wanted to start
using the potty again!
so lets go on round two!
and so far she has been doing pretty great!
wednesday night we had a activity with the young men and womens
to hidden falls.
it went great and the bishop made delicious ribs for after.
mark and brandy watched mads for us since i had that
and eric was at work.

she had so much fun with them.
they are pretty great to her.
thursday night we all headed up to Curt Gowdy to have dinner
and shoot their bows.

friday we headed up to rob roy to go fishing.
it was a slow slow day.... especially for me.
i did so good and was so patient for a long time...
but then i started to struggle.
i seriously didnt have a bite all stinking day long...
and then it was time to go.
so i did my count down and on my last cast- I FINALLY CAUGHT ONE!
and then i proceeded to fall in the river.
yep, right on my butt.
good thing we were already heading out.
saturday was brandys birthday and since she got a new pistol for her birthday
we went over to rodger's canyon to shoot some guns.

we had a good afternoon.
that evening we babysat the boys while mark and brandy
went out for a birthday dinner.
when they were all done we all headed over to the carnival 
for jubilee days.
madyn had SOOOO much fun!
her and easton rode the trail- or "trolly" as madyn calls it.

while we were at the trains we ran into Jake and Brittney.
we stood around and talked for a bit.
then we decided that we wanted to go ride the mechanical bull.
it was pretty fun and madyn even wanted to try!
the guy running the ride was way nice and told us that he would let madyn ride.
he went super slow and.... she HATED it!
she couldnt get off fast enough.
so me, eric, brandy and then brandy and easton rode.
it was pretty great.

after the bull the kids road the airplanes.
she was so excited to get to ride the princess airplane.
can i just say sometimes this little girl surprises me!
i couldnt believe how much fun she was having.
i dont know. maybe i just assume she is going to be shy and timid
but she was going strong.

now her favorite part of the carnival.
the slide...
she LOVED the slide.
we rode it 8.... im pretty sure 8 times.
and was devastated when we ran out of tickets
and it was time to go home.

we finished off the night with a delicious funnel cake.
my personal favorite part of the night.
madyn had soooo much fun.
it was a pretty great week
lots and lots of partying and having fun!